<p>THE COMPREHENSIVE, NITTY GRITTY, CLEVER, TACTICAL AND SUPER EFFECTIVE GUIDE TO SELLING YOUR CAR FAST AND EFFECTIVELY ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD </p> <p>In this book you will learn all the proven strategies to make sure your car gets seen by as many buyers as possible, gets sold for a great price, sells fast and -of course- maximizes the profit you make.</p> <p>A few chapters include:</p> <p>Methods (formats) of advertising/selling you car</p> <p>What condition does a car need to be in to sell?</p> <p>How to Ensure your safety when meeting buyers</p> <p>How to gmakeprofits FAST</p> <p>How to avoid the mistakes 96% of people make</p> <p>How to write a GREAT online advertisement</p> <p>Plus so much more!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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税込価格 313円